Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Phone, Purse and Pro

There is one thing I have come to appreciate......the wonders of nature.

I have come to love sunrises and sunsets and most of my pictures on this entry will consist just of that.......the sun!

Over time, I have photographed the sun, landscapes...anything to do with nature. Here are a few of those pictures, mostly taken whilst commuting by train before I moved. You have got to kill that time with abit of excitement, don't you think?


Sunset...taken on my way back home on the train.

Autumn when the fields are cleared and rolled

The sunrise taken from the train.

While waiting for the bus....I captured this sunrise.

A zoom shot

Another morning whilst waiting for the bus. The light in the bustop stands out.

A cold winter morning. That is not entirely snow, but frost.

Another of my sunrises from the train

Waiting for the bus and I capture Spring in form of these beautiful flowers.

Zoom out with the sunrise in the horizon

A dull summer day.....still didn't stop me and my pal going out for a picnic. This the view of the lake close to where we were sitting.

This sunset was captured last summer after a Sevens tournament. You can even catch a glimpse of the 'H' bottom of the picture.

Went sightseeing in Windsor and these swans caught my attention

On the commute one rainy morning

This is one of the most difficult things to photograph without a proper lens or equipment.....the moon. I tried though!

One of my recent train pics....this was taken whilst travelling back to my old hood.

Winter trees....no leaves!!!

Campbell Park in Milton Keynes.....my lens had specks of dust. Hence the glare spots on the pic as the sun came out. Sorted it out temporarily.....

No more sun.....the building is the local theater

A shot of the park from a different angle

This is how the council keeps the grass short and manured.....let sheep graze in the park.

I like this pic.....gives a sense of country and city life in one shot. Xscape, the local theater on the horizon and the sheep grazing.

An upclose shot of the sheep and the Campbell Park houses on the horizon


egm said...

You are scaring me now! I just talked about how difficult it was to photograph the moon, then you do a post on exactly that. You post plenty of sunset pictures, and I had one series from Kenya of nothing but sunsets. I just need to get a CD sent from home with some pictures I took to complete the set.

I love these pictures. They look good! Hiyo ya moon, do you have the EXIF data I see what settings your camera had?

Ichiena said...

That moon pic you didnt try - it was spot on. Brilliant.

Love the rest of the pics too; do you know i actually got cold going through them!

Klara said...

I love this pics!!
Great Photography

modoathii said...


i agree with the rest, you moon shot is deadly. i tried it once...HA! the moon chekad and the cow jumped over it...