Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Camera: FujiFilm Finepix F450
F-Number: F/7.4
Exposure: 1/1000 sec.
Focal Length: 6.3mm
Flash: No
Location: Hyde Park, London

This was taken earlier this month in Hyde Park, Central London.....just as the sun was setting. I was from the toilet, saw this and I had to capture it. One of my favourite pictures as an amateur photographer. I didn't need to touch it up as it was a perfect first time shot.


Anonymous said...

ati you were from where? but it's a great shot though!

Anonymous said...

Great shot! EGM introduced me to his pal Raul over the weekend, and that's some serious piece of equipment! One day I'll be able to afford one of them huge professional cameras.

egm said...

That is a nice picture! No, not nice. SUPERB! Yaani you hit jack pot with that one.

Anonymous said... umesoma! Wacha story mob. Thanks

@archer....i too have seen some serious kit that people carry. Shockingly is when they sema they are just doing it as a hobby.

@egm...bahati manzee and I wasn't even using the Canon!